There are several great books that have been helpful to me as I have grown in my understanding of what Biblical stewardship is. This post contains a list of those books that I hope will be a good resource for you as you seek to honor the Lord with the resources He has entrusted to you.
Theological vs Practical
Before we get to the list, I wanted to point out an important distinction. Books on stewardship can be divided into two different types: those that are more theological (generally written by seminary graduates) and those that are more practical (ie how to books generally written by financial professionals). Books that are written by Pastors etc can be extremely helpful to understand Biblical financial principles, but they generally don’t help you apply the principles in today’s modern world. When financial professionals write books, they tend to be heavy on the application, but not as strong on the theology. This is not a criticism of either group, just an observation. We can learn from both, and reading books from both can help us develop a practical and theologically accurate view of stewardship.
To that end, I divided the list into two sections so you can distinguish between the two types of authors. My list is heavily weighted towards the theological for two reasons. First, I haven’t read many of the practical books, as I understand how finance works (this is not said arrogantly. I need more theology than practical application due to my training and experience). Second, I have found that most Christians haven’t really thought through what the Bible has to say about stewardship principles. Focusing on what the Bible says (the why) allows you to get to the appropriate application (the how).
I hope to add to this list over time as I have more opportunity to read. There are certainly great books that are not on this list, but I hope it provides you with valuable resources to help you grow in your understanding of Biblical stewardship.
Special Disclaimer: I have not received any books from the author or their publisher, or any compensation from anyone to compile this list. Included are links to each book so you can get a fuller picture of what they are about. If you choose to purchase one, I do not receive any compensation.
Theological Books
Redeeming Money by Paul David Tripp
Tripp focuses on the heart issues that underly all our money decisions. He asks extremely thoughtful and penetrating questions that get to the root issue of our struggles with stewardship. However, he also reminds us of God’s grace in the midst of our stewardship failures (and we all fail regularly). It can be used as a small group study with questions at the end of each chapter. Tripp packs a great deal into each sentence, yet has an easy-to-read style. Personally, I have found this book to be very convicting.
Money, Possessions and Eternity by Randy Alcorn
Alcorn covers all the major financial issues that a Christian could face from a Biblical perspective. He outlines the principles and key verses for each of these areas, and poses a number of very challenging questions for the reader to consider. I find myself returning to this book many times over the years due to the wealth of wisdom contained in its pages. It is a little longer than most on the list, but well worth the read.
Neither Poverty Nor Riches by Craig L Blomberg
There are about 2,350 verses in the Bible concerning money. Blomberg walks through a very large number of these passages, providing context for each. He is careful to allow the passage to speak for itself, but at points provides challenging insight into his own view of Scripture and how he and his family have applied Biblical stewardship principles to their lives. Though I didn’t agree with all of his thoughts, it is a book that points you back to Scripture and will get you to think about what you believe and why.
Free to Follow by Michael Blue
Blue is an Attorney, and son of Ron Blue (who had a long successful career as a financial advisor focusing on Biblical stewardship issues, and helped found Kingdom Advisors). His book covers his stewardship journey, being exposed to stewardship early and often, but it took time for God to work on his heart. He focuses on the key questions American Christians should be asking in light of the abundance of our society. It is an easy read, but will challenge your thinking on the subject.
The Treasure Principle by Randy Alcorn
This is a short book that focuses on giving. It is an easy read, but very convicting. Alcorn reminds the reader of what the Bible has to say about giving in light of eternity. If you want to grow in your understanding about giving, I would strongly encourage you to read this.
Practical Books
Business By The Book by Larry Burkett
If you own a business, this is a great book to read. Burkett walks through many practical stories of business owners and the results of applying/rejecting Biblical stewardship principles. He covers the use of debt, how to deal with employees, giving etc. I read this before having a business, and it was very helpful as I started out.
The Sound Mind Investing Handbook by Austin Pryor
Pryor writes an investing newsletter and provides a subscription-based investment service. If you are familiar with the Investing for Dummies etc series, this book is similar to it, but written from a Christian perspective. This book helps you understand more of the nuts and bolts of finances, investing and major financial decisions one will face in life.