Do You Really Need a Christian Financial Advisor?

christian financial advisor as a guide
Last Updated On July 1, 2024

In today’s complex financial world, making wise decisions with your money is more crucial than ever. For Christians, financial planning involves more than just ensuring a stable future; it encompasses stewardship, generosity, and aligning their finances with biblical principles. Here’s why having a Christian financial advisor can make a significant difference in achieving these goals.

The Three Types of Christian Financial Advisors

Before discussing the benefits of working with a Christian financial advisor, it’s important to define what a Christian financial advisor is. There are three distinct categories of people who claim to be Christian financial advisors:

1. Financial Advisor Who Is Also A Christian

This advisor works with all types of clients, both Christian and non-Christian, but does not incorporate Biblical principles into their planning. While you may receive solid financial advice, it may not point you to Christ.

2. Christian Financial Advisor In Name Only

This advisor advertises their faith to attract clients, but either seeks personal gain, or has gradually succumbed to worldly influences. They only apply Biblical principles when it benefits them. Unfortunately, this type of advisor has caused significant problems for individuals, churches and Christian non-profits due to the trusting nature of the Christian community.

3. Legitimate Christian Financial Advisor

This advisor genuinely uses Biblical principles to help clients grow as stewards and make wise decisions. They usually advertise their faith and sincerely aim to make a difference for the Lord through their business and life. This is the type of advisor being referenced in this post.

It can be challenging to tell the difference between the last two types of advisors. However, doing your homework, understanding how they are paid and remaining diligent, it is possible to distinguish between them.

My Personal Struggle

From my experience, when professionals lead with their faith, I immediately become more cautious. Many scandals have involved “Christian” businesspeople who used their “faith” to take advantage of fellow believers.

Because of this, when I first started as a financial advisor, I was very hesitant (and still am) to label myself as a “Christian financial advisor.” However, I realized there needs to be honest, faithful financial advisors identifying themselves as Christians (hopefully I am one of them) to provide an alternative to those trying to take advantage of Christians. This is one of the main reasons I write this blog: to provide a Biblical alternative to what is available from other sources.

If you find a legitimate Christian financial advisor who uses Biblical wisdom to advise their clients, the following points will apply.

Why Is A Christian Financial Advisor Important?

It’s uncommon for Americans to openly talk about money. Many people lack the skills to manage their finances effectively because it’s rarely discussed withing families and isn’t taught in most schools. Unfortunately, many churches also don’t address financial management, leaving a void that can be filled with poor advice and result in bad decisions.

Money is a very personal topic because it reflects our heart values, and we need to carefully consider who we allow to speak into our lives. There are two paths we can take:

A. The World’s Path

If we do nothing, we will fall into the pattern of the world. Money becomes about me – my needs, wants desires and security. I will desire more of it because it provides me security and independence. Money becomes my master, and what it can buy becomes the focal point of my life.

B. Biblical View

When we recognize that everything we have has been given to us by God is for His glory, it is very freeing. We can see money as a tool that can be used for an eternal purpose. When money is a tool, it can be used to bring glory to God. This requires more work and temporary sacrifice, but has a long-lasting impact, both in the present and for eternity.

A financial advisor is a person of influence who will either point you toward the Lord or away from Him. Since our faith should impact all areas of our lives, having a seasoned guide lead us in the right direction is invaluable. A Christian financial advisor can help ensure that your financial decisions align with Biblical principles, supporting you in managing your resources in a way that honors God and fulfills His purposes.

How Can A Christian Financial Advisor Positively Influence You?

A Christian financial advisor can assist you in three main ways:

1. Stewardship

As Christians, we are called to be good stewards—managing the time, talent, and treasure that God provides for His glory. The Bible outlines principles to help with this, but applying them to our individual lives is our responsibility. With freedom comes responsibility, and we must faithfully wrestle with applying these principles in our lives.

A Christian financial advisor educates you on Biblical financial principles, and aligns your investments to support your goals. An advisor who shares your faith will not only respect your desire to prioritize giving and minimize debt but will also actively support these practices. Here are some of the key questions they can help with:

The answers to these questions for a committed Christian will differ greatly from the world’s answers. An advisor who doesn’t integrate their faith (or is not saved), may offer good advice to a point, but won’t understand your desire to give, live debt free or not leave your children millions of dollars. They might try to persuade you toward other courses of action.

Having a Christian financial advisor who understands these decision points and can speak into your situation is invaluable. While you may be facing these decisions for the first time, an experienced advisor has guided others along the same path and can offer wisdom and insight.

2. Encouragement & Accountability

Life’s financial challenges can test even the strongest faith. Whether you’re facing job loss, unexpected expenses, or planning for retirement, a Christian financial advisor can provide not only professional advice but also spiritual encouragement. They understand the importance of prayer, trust in God’s provision, and the peace that comes from knowing that God is in control. By incorporating faith-based perspectives and Biblical principles into their financial guidance, they offer a holistic approach that nurtures both financial well-being and spiritual growth.

3. Trustworthy Partner

A Christian financial advisor serves as a trusted partner by integrating their faith and reverence for God into every aspect of their guidance. This fear of God, characterized by deep respect and commitment to His teachings, ensures that the advisor’s recommendations are ethical, honest, and aligned with Biblical principles. Clients can trust that their advisor is motivated not just by financial gain but by a desire to honor God through their work. This foundational commitment to integrity builds a strong bond of trust, as clients know their advisor is dedicated to righteous stewardship and accountable to a higher moral standard.

Trust But Verify

We cannot delegate our stewardship responsibility. While you can hire a Christian financial advisor to advise you on various issues, the ultimate decision-making responsibility lies with you, and you will be held accountable before the Lord. Educate yourself on stewardship by reading what the Bible has to say, and books that examine Biblical stewardship. Ensure that your advisor is fulfilling their promises, and don’t hesitate to ask questions if you’re unclear about their actions or reasoning. Some advisors may feel threatened by this, but staying engaged is crucial.

Final Thought

Choosing a Christian financial advisor is more than a financial decision; it’s a spiritual partnership. It ensures that your financial planning is rooted in Biblical principles, reflects your values, and supports your faith journey. By aligning your finances with your faith, you can navigate life’s financial challenges with confidence, knowing that your resources are managed in a way that honors God and fulfills His purpose for your life.

Remember, your financial decisions are an extension of your faith. Seek an advisor who not only understands this but also shares your commitment to living out Biblical principles in every aspect of life.

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